Why subscribe?

Everything you love about Lucé but inboxier! You’ll get my film reviews, funny stories that I would have performed in the Before Times, and lots of fun curated content ranging from comedy to horror to glitter…there will be tons of glitter.

I’m creating a lot of work and it’s all for you, Damien! From podcasting to make-up tutorials to VHYES! Everything I make is intended to be interactive and fun. I want to connect with you over the absurdity of this life, and hey, if that’s too intense let’s just deep dive into Romy and Michele’s High School reunion. I’M HERE FOR IT ALL!

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You won’t have to worry about missing anything (praise Dolly). Every new edition of I Love Lucé goes directly to your inbox.

Social Media is ruled by unforgiving algorithm overlords and it’s hard to really keep in touch that way anymore. Plus let’s not forget the general sense of malaise and existential longing that comes with scroll fever. This is a fun way to stay in my loop and learn how to draw a shakey but aggressive cat eye!

Subscribe to I Love Lucé

Movies, Halloween, and Creativity


Comedian, Filmmaker, Podcaster, Film Festival Judge/Programmer, Cinephile, VHS Collector, Video Store Clerk, Lover of the Macabre, and Generally Enthusiastic